Monday, July 15, 2013

Piya's 1st Movie : Despicable Me 2

Salam Ramadhan

I waited for weekends with great anticipation as I've planned to ameliorate my terrible cooking. I really want to improve my cooking especially germane to local dishes. I'm a terrible a cook you know. I have been stalking Mat Gebu's blog for many days in between work to gather ideas hence I was ready with so many ideas and plans man albeit Popiah Cheese! Alas, I had to take a rain check as I was invited for a casting on Saturday morning.

Wish me Luck!
 The casting took place at Wangsa Melawati around 11.00am and Uncle Din was so nice (or bored) to drive me there. I was done with my casting around noon and refused to detour anywhere as I was still clinging on fervent hopes to cook and eschew on the notion. On the way home, we passed by D'Curve and Uncle Din was giving me the incessant question;

Are you sure you don't want to stop by anywhere sayang? Not even Giant Kota Damansara?

No. It's ok.

Are you sure? Coz we can you know.

I know my husband very well; it was so palpable that he was not ready to go home and was in dire need of some fresh air. So I said

Oooh.. There's the D'curve. Perhaps we could catch a movie and give it a try bringing Piya along

And so we did. Alhamdulillah everything went so well; even though he did not know his way, he managed to get a parking spot very near to the cinema building and next to the elevator. The girl at the ticket was so nice too;

Adiik, sini boleh bawak masuk stroller tak?

Boleh kak, akak amek couple seat yang paling belakang and tepi. Boleh duduk 3 orang.

I was head over heels when I purchased them!

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful wooooooorld..! Hoyeeeeeeeah!!!.
(turned into a cute wren with Louis Armstrong voice for a moment)

The movie schedule was just perfect and seating was great! Aaaaaaah... So what did we watch? Isn't it obvious?

Roooooll Oveeer..!
Piya was OK-lah in the cinema hall. She did tried several attempts to run down the bright stairways, climbed over the front seat, jumping on the adjacent seat and screaming "yeaaaaaaaaaaaah" quite most of the time. She even tried to slide below the front seat like a flexible kitten. Haiyaaaaa...


Much effort was required just to keep her still. But all in all it was truly fun. The movie was great and the experience was impeccable. Truly a Good day. Alhamdulillah.  

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