Friday, April 05, 2013

Modelling - i can see your lemak *ooops!

Call me cheating but I am not ashamed to admit that I did wear Premium Beautiful in all my Photoshoots and runway. If I were to wear a Push-up bra sekali pon, believe me there is no undergarment as comfy as Premium Beautiful. A good example was during the runway show that I did for Stylefest 2013. The agenda of the runway show was to educate the public on understanding your body shape. Penting tau untuk TAHU dan FAHAM (dan jangan pura2 tak tau) tentang shape kita. Sebab bila kita paham shape kita lagu mana, you kena study pulak baju style camner yg sesuai untuk badan. Salah pilih pemakaian akan membuat kita tampil lebih tua dari usia kita. 

So I was perceived to posses an hour-glass body but from my point of view; I attained this shape because I wore Premium Beautiful for 1 year already. I too was out shape, flabby, equally spread and look like a cylinder tube after giving birth. I didn’t exercise, selera makan mcm nak berperang, mcm2 alasan saya beri “Eh takpe, kan tgh breastfeeding. Mesti laa makan byk.” Saya sama jer mcm you. But I chose to change just by wearing Premium Beautiful everyday. Bukan susah pon, gantikan pakaian dalam kita dengan Premium Beautiful. 

Sorry to disappoint you, this isnt me!
 Okay, masa runway show tuh, since the agenda nak educate rakyat jelata ttg shape, maka model yg dtg pon terdiri daripada pelbagai shapes and sizes. Badan yang kita Nampak cantik and mcm perfect pula adalah bentuk pear or inverted triangle.  Bila you paham shape you, you akan avoid pakai baju2 yang accentuate kelemahan you. Jadi masa fashion show tuh, saya perhatikan model2 nih “Hmmm…. Their body and posture would definitely look better if they wore PB…”… Sayang tau… Contoh orang yg badan Pear; badan Pear bermaksud her bottom is bigger than her torso. Kalau dgn Premium Beautiful, inshaaAllah you nyer pear tuh akan berkurang sikit sebab lemak2 kat tepi peha tuh akan hilang. Dan kalu yang badan inverted triangle pulak, bila pakai Premium Beautiful, your torso akan Nampak lagi kemas sbb saya boleh ajar mcm mana nak susun lemak supaya side ways and rear view anda takde lemak2 bersepah2… serious! Hanya dengan Premium Beautiful jer kita boleh SUSUN LEMAK LEMAK MANJA..

Yes, I'm tall and big
 So, take this advice from me; susah nak sorok lemak2 manja nih. Drpd tahan nafas depan kamera tuh, baik pakai PB untuk shape yg cantik. Secantik2 badan orang2 yang jadi model tuh, saya masih boleh detect lemak2 manja mereka unless diorg kurus keriiiing and pakai Push-up bra to appear more feminine. 

Do you see it?
 I can explain to you in detail on how the Premium Beautiful can help you to get in shape. And I can advice you also on how to eat healthily. Be beautiful and healthy ladies especially for those who are married. 

Contact me for best price!  

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