Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Be BEAUTIFUL on your Wedding day!

I did some blog walking recently and I couldn’t help but noticing that most women out there (especially the brides to be) are really determines to lose weight. Besides B2B, post-natal moms are also another group of people that is very eager to get back in shape. This is neither new nor peculiar. But what fascinates me (or should I say scares me?) is the fact that these cluster of people are leaning more towards starvation / diet compared to exercising. 

I couldn’t agree more that exercise is the best health & beauty regime in order to lose weight. Diet is good but if it is practiced wrongly you will end up having a bloated body. TELL ME about it. If you want to diet, I surmised that these are the foods to be strike-off your norm daily meals:-

1. Oily & fried foods
2. Fast food (I know I know…everyone loves Mc Donalds)
3. All forms of noodles especially that yellow fat noodles…Bihun is good though..
4. Reduce rice consumption
5. Carbonated drinks
6. White bread
7. ooohh.. No meals after 7.00 pm
8. Avoid instant foods like sausage. Burgers, nuggets
9. Avoid cheeeeeeeeseeeeee……

And if you’re wondering what is left for you since everything must be tossed away? Here’s my suggested list:-

1. Lotsa veggies
2. Change your regime from eating rice to wholemeal bread.   
3. SUBWAY bebeh….
4. Plain water…I drink a minimum of 2L plain water daily. It not only helps to increase your metabolism which eventually burns fat, but it also reduce toxic and keeps you hydrated.
5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
6. Opt to boil, simmer or steam your foods.
7. Try eating healthy cereals like Wheatabix, cornflakes etc
8. Yoghurt drinks; helps to feel full and reduce hunger
9. Try eating macaroni... Macaroni is fine..

Diet reduces weight but in order to get in shape, I strongly recommend you to exercise. If you’re lazy to exercise, then donning Premium Beautiful is your best option. When you practice a healthy diet + some exercise + wearing PB = shred kilos faster.. THIS IS A FACT.. Fakta bukan Auta..


  1. TQ share info yang bagus.. :)

  2. salam,

    kata2 nasihat yang bagus tu

    kak ati pun masih trying nak kurangkan
    nasi ni..hihi

  3. good tip... nak try apply... :)

  4. Kak Ati: nasi mmg kurang kalu nak slim cepat... even org diabetic pon tak boleh makan nasi byk2 sbb carbs akan pecah menjadi gula...

    All the best!
