Thursday, April 21, 2011


I was told that Nona Roguy (NR) is one of the best confinements set to be opted. The cost may be pricey but apparently many consumers commented positively on the result. Again, after browsing through the net soo many times to gain a vast of choices, I finally scaled down to NR or Leesa Formula..i even tabulated all the info using MO.pptx yea..i discussed this issue with colleagues and friends..Finally, I’ve made up my mind and decided on NR. The market price is RM365.00 but I bought the basic pregnancy set at only RM300.00..then I added on buying the supplements: Minyak Mustajab and Nu3Med (honey juice traditional remedy) and last but not least the traditional corset; total I only paid RM400 for my confinement set.. 


Moral of the story:-
1.       It is best to buy pricey items via the net as you have the power to negotiate
2.       Must be discipline at all times. RM400 is a lot of money oooo~
3.       Must fully utilize the confinement set to realize my dreams: I WANNA BE THIN AGAIN!
I bought the confinement set through Aisyah @ is her blog address:
You’ll be shocked that this fine lady:-
1.       She has given birth to 2 boys
2.       The boys were delivered through C-sec
3.       She got pregnant with the 2nd child after 3 months delivering the 1st baby (x sampai 100 
          hari dah melekat balik…)
4.       She gained 10kg for the 1st baby and 20kg for the 2nd baby
5.       She is very damn slim and shapy now…my jaws literally dropped when we 1st met..

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