Assalammualaikum and hello..
Whenever I look up the calendar, there are few months that
mark a prominent place in my heart and one of them is May. It is the month
where Uncle Din and I got engaged, Piya was born and obviously Mother's Day. I
adore May and Alhamdulillah it has been great so far especially with the
generous modeling jobs.
I celebrated Mother's Day much simpler this time. Not only
did I had a fashion show that day, I treated my family using the modeling fee I
got that day. Well, that's the whole purpose right? Working hard to give some
comfort to the family ait? It doesn't matter how we celebrate the day but the
thought that matters. Uncle Din was such a darling for looking after Piya while
I strut the runway. Usually I would bring them as part of the audience but
apparently the ambiance wasn't appealing and suitable. I left them at home and
I hate doing that. So right after I wrap things around 5.00pm, we went to One
Utama for a dinner treat.
A simple yet meaningful appreciation. Especially watching
Piya giggles when she does her cute gestures, listening to her scramble yet
talkative mouth (she is sooo pelat) and when she wiggles her small rear.
Basically I love everything about her. She may not understand the reasoning
behind Mother's Day but for me, it is a day where I reminded myself of how much
I have mold Piya. She's my canvas and my reflection.
And speaking of which, this is what I gave to my beloved
Mama. She is not a woman of luxury so she deserves to be pampered once awhile.
I began to appreciate her and fathom her attributes when I became a mother
myself. It is the toughest job in the world and I understand that now. I really
hope she is proud of me, of what have I become. I may not marry a rich husband
as she hopes but I've reciprocate by being a poise woman. Furthermore I have
realized her dream throughout my modeling career. She was always worried
because I grew up as a tomboy (I have 3 brothers and all my cousins are boys..
What do you expect?) and I do notice her sigh of relieve.

As usual, the notion of celebrating Mother's Day sparks
different views from different angles. Some advocates the thought while some
says it is not in line with Islam. The concept is obfuscate in so many ways. An
ustaz posted this in Facebook which contradicts with another renown Ustaz. The
other Ustaz said it is Haram to celebrate Mother's Day... Not to mention the fact that I'm not his
biggest fan, I cannot vouch which one is correct.
And yeap, that's my comment to the photo. Somehow or rather
I think it was a child's act that longs for the mother. Children associates
balloons with happiness and most probably the mother reminds him of that. But
we'll never know the truth hence please stop judging people based on
Mama always say to me that Mothers
become next priority once a person is in love. They no longer become the one
who you highly sought after once you're in love or you're married.
So ponder on that.
Thank you for reading my rant
Jazakallahu Khayran.
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