& hello..
Last weekend was tiring..
How was yours? Me? Nothing much.. Just some photo shoot, a marathon and a visit
from my brother..
C'mon..! I had an
awesome week! Not only did I get to do a photo shoot with Lazada Malaysia, I
even get to join another marathon peeps! Haaaa.... Yezzzer... I joined KCK
Fun Run 7km on April 6, 2014 and the location was at Setia City Park. How awesome is that??
The place is adjacent to Shah Alam and took us 15 minutes of driving. Setia
Alam vicinity is so beautiful hence I was really excited on this particular
run. I'm not sure how many people joined the run but the crowd was awesome!
There was 2 categories; 7km & 5km but the finisher was only offered for the
longer route. I'm a sucker for finisher medals so I was ardent to join the 7km
Like many other runs,
the run started at the brisk of dawn around 7.30am and we began gathering at
the starting point 15 minutes prior. There I was standing in the middle of the
crowd observing people. Most of them were in groups. Some were taking selfies,
some were stretching, some were having a good laugh while others looking rather
serious focusing on their chi. Me? I ran solo. Like always. I like running
solo. The thought does not maim me at all because I get to focus on me. Only
me. And that's the beauty of any marathon. It's all about focus and motivation.
Plus it juxtaposes Malaysian under one purpose; charity for a good cause.
Off we go exactly at
7.30am. People began to run (they literally ran you know) leaving me behind
while I struggled to refrain from following their trail. I tried as much as I
can to keep jogging at my best pace; not too fast, not too slow. Just jog
& control my breathing. Let these people passes by without giving you an
irk. Mampu?? I improved a lot from my preceding runs especially on maintaining
the correct tempo. By 2km, I was already passing by a lot of the runners.
People began to walk and that does bother me. I keep my eyes on the road as I
do not want to be influenced by them. Once in a while, I looked up high in the
sky and I could see dawn was leaving, giving way to the beautiful morning ray.
The green trees, beautiful blue sky and the cool morning breeze against my
skin. Subhanallah.. What a feeling..
As soon as I had a
vague vision of the finish line, I began to step up and accelerated my pace.
The thought of passing through the finish line was thrilling! I completed my 7km in 50 minutes and
Alhamdulillah I finished within the stipulated time. I reckon that I would
finished in 70 minutes but apparently I did better this time. I smiled all the
way and definitely was extremely happy. I'm happy I did this. I'm happy I chose
to live a healthy lifestyle. And while I was running on the tracks, Uncle Din
was accompanying Piya playing at the playground. She too got her chance for an
outdoor play.
treat-the-family. Ayah (as usual) would claim his Sushi King while Piya would
request for more coloring books. Fineeeeeeee...
Syukur Alhamdulillah
I feel so blessed. A lot to balance but hey! You color your own canvas. Choose
to make your art bland or choose to spice up with colours. Either way, choose
what makes you happy.
For me, this shall be my legacy. InsyaAllah.
Thank you for
Jazakallahu Khayran.
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