So this year, history is written again. 2 staff at Engineering Planning settle down with their love ones and akin to us, both of the wedding solemnization were 1 week apart. Hence, during that particular weekend, we were extremely busy. Saturday is dedicated for Mia @ Tg Malim while Sunday is for Sopi @ Putrajaya. Business is business but when it comes to friends, there is always room to compromise.
Saturday: Nov 17, 2012 @ Tg Malim
I would like to begin my epistle of joy for Kak Mia..
I am extremely happy for her. She has remain to be my only team member for the past 3 years with Proton. And within these 3 years, 2 male colleagues have departed from the team with 24 hour notice! hahaha... Funny... So yeaaaa, a lot of occasion and obstacles were gone through together with K. Mia. Especially when it is in regard with our superior. K. Mia has remained being my shoulder to cry on. And i would definitely remember the chronology of events that took place between these two. It is written in fate that, K. Mia is meant for Kudin. I'm grateful.
Sunday: Nov 18, 2012 @ Putrajaya
The 2nd wedding in the office is none other than the bubbly Sopi. One of the earliest people who became my friend in Proton. I will NEVER forget the day Sopi bullied Sya and i by asking us to do the morning aerobic in the lobby right in front of everyone. He did lead us for it doesn't seem weird to him at all... So yeah, we did the aerobic in front of late comers engineers. haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......I am truly happy for Sopi because the pretty petite wife of his is his 1st true love. Aaaauw.... And everyone knows that you tend to be more obedient (obedient...?) with your 1st.... That makes their marriage even sweeter. hhhhhhmmmmmm... *verangan......
Uncle Din told me that Dewan Seri Endon is just a few kilometres away from Alamanda Shopping Complex. So, after we attended Sopi's reception, we extended our outing and detour to Alamanda for Piya's sake. It was my 2nd time there and nothing much though. Maybe it's because I'm so used with MidValley, OU & Sunway Piramid. We may have eaten at the reception just now but there is always space for Noodle Station baby! Yeah baby yeaaa! (making that Austin Power trademark).
Lovely outing with my family. Haaaaaaaaaaa.... And next year we'll see more babies.. :)
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