Monday, November 14, 2011

Babysitter Fees is now RM350

Towards the end of October 2011, Cik D announced that she intends to raise the child care fees from RM300.00 to RM350.00 per month commencing December 2011.  To be frank with you I was caught with surprise by this announcement. I have been very comfortable paying her RM300 (extra RM20 for the OT) and this news was definitely quite disturbing.
After putting much thought into it, I decided to confront Cik D and listen to her justification. And I am very glad I did that.. You see, a career as a babysitter sounds very uncomplicated and effortless. You don’t have to figure out your KPI, LRPP and other career development that bothers you everyday at work. However, bear in mind that opting a career as a babysitter can be the most challenging job in the world as your clients are actually amusing the parents. Imagine that you have to take care of 5 babies at a time and parents are always expecting the best out of you. Parents would expect you to attend the needs of their babies similar as they do.
Sending your baby to a nursery and a babysitter are 2 different things. Cik D does not run a nursery. She is an exclusive babysitter. Have you ever heard the idiom “what you give you get back”? In lament language, don’t expect to receive a 5-star hospitality when you refuse to pay for it. I am not claiming that Cik D is a super-babysitter but I can guarantee you that it is very hard to find a babysitter as good as her. One of the mothers was so distraught by the fees increment and I do pity her. Her daughter is very comfortable staying with Cik D but she has decided to send her child to another place. Hearing this news this morning really made me shed some tears.
Nevertheless, whatever rocks the boat…. I just believe that you have to pay more if want to have a very good service… Most importantly is the piece of mind while I am at work…


  1. hi dear.. may I know where is Cik D located in Shah Alam? I am lookin gfor a babysitter for my 8 months old baby.

  2. hye dear,

    Cik D's location is in Kampung Melayu Subang... not shah alam actually.. but the address is still shah alam though.. do give it a thought and if you are still interested you may contct me yeah...

  3. hi dora, hmm agak2 cik d tu accept tak budak umur 3 tahun? ke dia accept baby aje? saya tinggal kat bukit subang, dah dekat la tu kan..

  4. Hye dear, i dont think so sbb jaga budak xsama dgn baby... lgpon die encourage we all hntr playschool bila dh 2yrold which i did... skrg i hntr my daughter kt taska depan rumah and they are pretty good... i reckon you hntr playschool rather than cik d...

  5. Salam. Hi Dora, I'm going crazy looking for a babysitter for my 6 months old baby. Would it be possible for you to share with me her contact number, please? Or maybe you could personally contact me at

    Thanks, sweetie. Hope to hear from you soon.

  6. Assalamualaikum. Hi my dear. Boleh saya bertanya, adakah cik d masih lagi menjaga baby? Kalau ye, sy berminat nk hantar my 3month bby. Sy slalu datang ke area kg melayu subang coz my parents in law stay kat tmn subang baru. Hope dona boleh reply ke email sy
    - nisa-

  7. As salam dear, what a great post! Im planning to move to Batu Tiga shah alam, which is also quite near to kg Melayu subang.. does she still babysit babies? i have an 11 month's old. thanks so much sweetie!
