Thursday, August 15, 2013

Eid 2013 : Theme Color

Salam Everyone,

I reckoned that it is a norm tradition for every family to agree and decide upon a theme color every year. I'm truly one of the flock of birds who just love to ponder and spend intricate moments deciding on a theme color. I appreciate colours and my interest is always leaning towards something out of the norm. Last year I picked Emerald Green as the family's theme color and it was a disaster. Apparently the color was kinda difficult to scout and we ended looking like a bush. So this year, I thought / reckon / surmised that the choice that I've made is deemed best and pweeeeeeeety. Inspired from my recent dieting healthy eating regime and Piya's fascination towards Nemo, this year's color is


Not tangerine nor carrot. Please pronounce correctly my dear; salmon or coral. *Sigh

I've been eating a lot of Grilled Salmon that I was even bothered to cook them on my own. I read that eating Grilled Salmon with vegies is one of the best healthy diets and anything spelled under that sections sound tempting to me. In lieu of my obsession with salmon, Piya has been very engrossed watching Finding Nemo. She watched "Fish" almost everyday and it is making us nauseated by the notion already. In the movie, Nemo's mom name is Coral. *Lightbulb.... With the concoction of eating salmon and the memory of Nemo's mom, Salmon / Coral was chosen as our theme color....!!!

There..... Didn't I told you that I love putting intricate effort on such small things?
Discolored due to filter by IG
 Uncle Din : Baju Raya Aaron Aziz by Jakel RM250
Mine : Baju Raya Cotton Sulam Manik RM120
Piya : Baju Raya Cotton Manik RM60

We are a very low maintenance family thank you. 


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